Are Golden Retrievers Good With Cats? 15 Things To Know + Tips

Golden Retrievers, with their gentle disposition and playful nature, have long been favored as family pets. But how do they fare when a cat companion enters the mix? If you’re a pet lover considering this canine-feline duo, here are 15 essential insights, plus tips to ensure harmony under one roof. Dive in to unravel the mystery of whether Golden Retrievers truly make great pals for our purring friends.

7 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Can Coexist With Cats

Golden Retrievers are among the most affable and good-natured breeds in the canine world. Their innate friendliness and docile temperament make them apt companions for various household members, including felines. Many pet owners often contemplate the question: Can a cat live harmoniously with a Golden Retriever? The answer, in many cases, is a resounding yes.

Here’s why:

  1. Gentle Nature: Golden Retrievers are known for their calm and friendly demeanor. This inherent gentleness makes them less likely to be aggressive towards other animals, including cats.
  2. High Trainability: Their intelligence and willingness to learn make Golden Retrievers highly trainable. With the right guidance, they can be taught to respect and be gentle with their feline counterparts.
  3. Social Personalities: As pack animals, Golden Retrievers have a social inclination. Cats, although more independent, can resonate with this social nature, leading to mutual acceptance over time.
  4. Playful Companions: Goldens, with their playful and curious nature, can engage in mild play sessions with cats. This interaction can foster bonding and reduce any potential animosity.
  5. Size and Temperament: While Golden Retrievers are large, they are not overly dominant. Their balanced temperament means they aren’t as inclined to chase or intimidate, especially when trained properly.
  6. Early Socialization Benefits: When introduced to cats at a young age, Golden Retrievers are more likely to view them as part of their pack rather than as potential prey.
  7. Mutual Curiosity: Both cats and Golden Retrievers possess a natural curiosity. Over time, this mutual interest can translate into a friendly relationship, with each animal respecting the other’s space.

However, it’s essential to remember that individual personalities and past experiences play a crucial role. Not every cat will appreciate a dog’s company, and not every Golden Retriever will be cat-friendly from the get-go. Early socialization, positive reinforcement, and supervised interactions are key to fostering a peaceful coexistence.

How to Introduce Your Golden Retriever and Your Cat (Step-by-Step) 

Introducing a Golden Retriever to a cat requires patience, understanding, and a systematic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth and stress-free introduction:

  1. Prepare Separate Spaces: Before the introduction, set up separate areas for your Golden Retriever and cat. This allows each pet to settle and feel secure in their own space.
  2. Scent Familiarization: Before they meet face-to-face, familiarize each pet with the other’s scent. Swap bedding or toys between the two areas so they can get used to each other’s smell.
  3. First Introduction: For the initial meeting, keep your Golden Retriever on a leash and let your cat come and go as it pleases. Choose a neutral location for this, such as a spacious living room.
  4. Observe Body Language: Pay close attention to both pets’ body language. Look for signs of stress or aggression. If either pet appears scared or aggressive, it’s essential to separate them and try again later.
  5. Short and Supervised Interactions: For the first few meetings, keep interactions short and always supervised. Gradually increase the time they spend together as they become more comfortable.
  6. Positive Reinforcement: Praise both pets when they behave well during their interactions. Offering treats can also encourage positive behavior and associate the presence of the other pet with good things.
  7. Safe Retreats: Ensure that both the cat and the Golden Retriever have places they can retreat to if they feel threatened or need a break.
  8. Monitor Play: While Golden Retrievers are generally gentle, their size and playfulness can be intimidating to a cat. Monitor their play sessions and step in if things get too rough.
  9. Progress Gradually: Don’t rush the process. It might take days or even weeks for both pets to become comfortable with each other. The key is consistency and patience.
  10. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If, after multiple attempts, the pets are not getting along, consider seeking advice from a professional animal behaviorist or trainer.

Top 3 Tips When Introducing Your Golden Retriever and Cat

In addition to our guide above, here are the top 3 tips to ensure a smooth and positive introduction between your Golden Retriever and cat:

  1. Scent Familiarization: Before a face-to-face meeting, swap bedding or toys between the two to introduce them to each other’s scent. This helps in creating a familiar environment and reduces the element of surprise.
  2. Neutral Ground Introduction: The first introduction should be in a neutral space to prevent territorial behavior. Keep your Golden Retriever on a leash and allow the cat to approach or retreat freely, ensuring neither feels cornered.
  3. Monitor and Supervise: Always supervise initial interactions, watching for signs of stress or aggression. Gradually increase their time together as they show signs of acceptance and comfort around one another.

10 Signs Your Golden Retriever And Cat Don’t Get Along

While many Golden Retrievers and cats coexist peacefully, sometimes their personalities or past experiences can lead to conflict. It’s crucial to recognize these signs early to address any issues and ensure both pets feel safe and comfortable. Here are signs that your Golden Retriever and cat might not be getting along:

  1. Aggression: Growling, hissing, baring teeth, swiping, and biting are clear indicators of aggression from either pet.
  2. Stalking Behavior: If your Golden Retriever consistently follows the cat around in a predatory manner, it’s a sign of potential conflict.
  3. Territorial Displays: Marking territory (like spraying) or guarding resources (like food bowls) can be indicators of tension between the pets.
  4. Avoidance: If either the cat or the dog consistently avoids the other, going out of their way to steer clear or hide, it’s a sign they’re uncomfortable.
  5. Excessive Fear: Trembling, crouching, tucking the tail, or constantly seeking refuge in high or closed-off spaces indicates the cat is fearful of the dog.
  6. Overly Rough Play: While some play is normal, if it frequently escalates to the point where one animal seems distressed, it’s a cause for concern.
  7. Change in Eating Habits: Refusal to eat, especially when the other pet is nearby, indicates stress or fear.
  8. Inappropriate Elimination: If your cat or dog starts having accidents in the house, especially near the other’s belongings, it may be a sign of anxiety or territoriality.
  9. Vocal Distress: Continuous whining from your dog or yowling from your cat when near each other suggests discomfort.
  10. Excessive Grooming: Over-grooming or licking a particular spot, especially in cats, can be a stress response.

If you observe any of these signs, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. It might mean separating the pets temporarily, revisiting introduction techniques, or seeking advice from a professional animal behaviorist. Your primary goal should be to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets.

Will My Golden Retriever And Cat Fight?

The likelihood of a Golden Retriever and a cat fighting largely depends on their individual temperaments, past experiences, and the manner in which they’re introduced to each other. While Golden Retrievers are generally known for their gentle and friendly nature, interactions can vary. 

Proper introductions, early socialization, and monitoring their initial interactions are essential to gauge and ensure a peaceful coexistence.

Will My Golden Retriever Chase My Cat?

Golden Retrievers are playful and might be tempted to chase things that move, including cats. This chasing instinct isn’t always aggressive but can be a result of their playful nature or mild prey drive. 

To minimize this behavior, it’s crucial to instill obedience training from an early age. Each dog is unique, so understanding your Golden Retriever’s specific tendencies and triggers is vital.

How Long Does It Take for Your Golden and Cat to Get Along?

The time it takes for a Golden Retriever and a cat to get along varies widely based on their individual personalities, previous experiences, and the environment in which they’re introduced. For some, a bond may form in a matter of days, while others might require weeks or even months of careful interaction and supervision. Consistent training, patient introduction, and creating positive associations between the two can expedite the bonding process. 

However, it’s essential to let the relationship develop at its own pace, ensuring both pets feel safe and comfortable.


Golden Retrievers, renowned for their affable nature, can indeed coexist harmoniously with cats. However, success in this union depends on various factors, including individual temperaments, past experiences, and the approach taken during introductions. It’s essential for pet owners to be patient, attentive, and proactive in fostering a peaceful relationship between their Golden Retriever and feline companion. 

With the right approach and understanding, these two diverse species can share a home, offering their owners the joy of witnessing heartwarming moments of cross-species friendship.

Frequently Asked Questions About Owning A Golden Retriever And A Cat

Are Golden Retrievers good with other pets?

Golden Retrievers are generally known for their friendly and adaptable nature, making them compatible with various other pets, including cats and other dogs. 

Are Golden Retrievers good for first time owners?

Yes, Golden Retrievers are often recommended for first-time dog owners due to their trainable, gentle, and affable nature. Their willingness to please and forgiving temperament make them easier to handle for those new to dog ownership.

What is the best companion dog for a golden retriever?

Golden Retrievers often get along well with other friendly and sociable breeds, with Labrador Retrievers, Poodles, and other Goldens being popular companions. The key is to choose a breed with a compatible energy level and temperament.

What age are Golden Retrievers the hardest?

Golden Retrievers can be particularly challenging during their adolescent phase, which typically spans from 6 to 18 months of age. During this period, they can exhibit increased energy, stubbornness, and testing boundaries as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood.

Galen has been connecting quality Golden Retriever breeders with loving families since 2012 and is the founder of My Golden Retriever Puppies. He and his wife have four children and love spending time together, traveling (lived oversees for 4 years), enjoying the outdoors and connecting Golden families.